Well, I've been working solely on my Married blog and have completely neglected this one. Shame on me. I will do a few updates, but then I'm going to keep with my married blog. I think it's important to help out Knotties and I know that I LOVED looking at planning bios of the other girls. Now mine will be updated and hopefully helpful to someone.
I just realized the other day how much I miss looking at these planning bios!!! So quickly you forget. The wedding comes, then the honey moon, and before you know it you don't need this any more. Your off to bigger and better things. Maybe you don't even get on the Knot any more, maybe not even The Nest! Or you head right over to the bump and start chating about your HM baby. Either way, try to remember to go back and look at some of these bios. :-) I promise it will make you smile!

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