I thought I'd make this a different post. I wanted to keep The Shred sperate.

I'm a little upset that I don't believe I've lost any weight at all. I was teetering between 122 - 125 and I don't think it's gone down at all. If anything after our Florida trip it's now between 125 and 126. I know some of that was retained water from the flight and alcohol and no workouts and lots a crab. But still disconserting either way. I also don't think I've lost any inches. I know it's only been 10 days of working out but come on! Give me some thing to work with. I think that's all I'm dissapointed with as far as the work out. I'm really trying to keep going and be positive but it's hard. I think part of my prbolem is tht I was at 137 or so a couple months ago. I did The Master Cleanse and lost 15 lbs!!! I only did it for 9 or 10 days, I can't remember right now, I think it's supose to be 14, anyway, I lost a lot of weight really fast. The best thing about it was I felt GREAT! I wasn't drinking coffee, I was sleeping soooo much better at night, I'd wake up long before my alarm (5:30am) I didn't have headaches, my allergies and asthma was better. I felt amazing. Then of course you slowly start eating and for me after a few days of eating really well it all kinda fell apart. I was still going to the gym every other day for 2 months. But then we went to Rome and it's been down hill until now. I'm doing this Shred video hoping I'll get back into things. BTW I only gained back 2-3 lbs. I did really good on it.

I hope I'll see results soon.

My goals: I bought "Making The Cut" By Jillian Michaels today and am about to flip through it. I'd like to try to follow some of the reciepes, but I don't have a lot of money right now, and I know some elaborate cooking at home can get expensive. I'll look through it to see what I can do. I'd also like to do what ever work out she has in there. And next week I'm going to start going to the gym 4 times a week. I hope with all of this working out I'll see some differences in my body.

My biggest issue (no pun intended) is my thighs and butt. Those are the HARDEST places for me, as most women, to loose weight. It drives me crazy. Of course all my first fat came right off my already too small boobs lol. My second issue is the backs of my arms. Have you ever seen "The Sweetest Thing" ? You know when they are looking in the mirror and Christina Apllegate is flapping her arm back in the air..." What is this???" lol THAT part. I know the exercises I need to do to get rid of it, but I'm not doing them. My FI said that just by loosing weight I'll notice that fat will start going away, and then to work on strenghening them. He also said that most of the workouts in Level one will help this as well.

Ok, I'm done venting. I feel a little better now. Even if no one reads this, I feel like someone is listening.