
So I suck. I haven't posted in a week and I haven't worked out in a week either. Opps. I found out on Monday that my dress was already in! It was so shocking! It wasn't supose to leave Florida until June 18th! But here it is!!! So I thought on Monday "Ok, I'll work out every day this week just in case it doesn't fit" But when I'm stressed I eat soo much and have no motivation to work out. And we're having a lot of money problems right now so I've been really worried. When I was told my dress came in for some reason I got so worried it woudln't fit I couldn't even work out!

Well my mom and I drove up to Loveland this morning and it fits!!! Oh man was that a relief! I can breath better without it on a little lol, but I know I'll have no problem. I think I have about 5 lbs to go and I'll be sooo happy. There was a little snag on the front of the beads and tulle but when I find a seemstress I'll ask if she can fix it. :-) It's not haning up on my door. God I'm happy. (I can't believe it's a USA size 6!)

Then I went to the mail box and found 2 RSVP's AND............... My FI's ring is here! I ordered it this last Wednesday I couldn't believe it got here so fast. And I just used the free shipping. It is Titanium so when he gets off work tonight he'll come over and try it on. If it fits I can send it back to get engraved. YAY!!!!! Such a great day. I can't seem to copy the picture of the ring, and the pictures above are from my little sister's camera and it's not a great camera. I'm also having a hard time taking a picture of his ring so here it is on the website. http://www.titaniumkay.com/2nd-Generation-Tungsten-Carbide-Two-Tone-Wedding-Band-Ring-w-Grooves-P103791.html

I'll do the shred again either tomorrow or Monday, depending on the day, and since I'm off Monday for the holiday it seems like a good time to re-start my workout routine! :-)

oh man ...I just let all the BM's know FI's ring is in. one said "Oh thats great! When will yours be in??" :-(  FI doens't have any money to buy mine. What a buz kill.


Ok, today was the first day of the 30 Day Shred. I'll log on each day to leave notes on how the day of exercise has gone. Now, I'm not sure if this is something you are supposed to do 30 days in a row. I kinda want to, I feel like I need to really kick my self into gear and not give my self a day off. However, I do know that you are suppose to give your mucsles a day off. We'll see...

So for day one, I got up before I had to leave for work. Which meant I had to be up no later than 6am. This isn't too bad. Thats normally when I get up anyway, and I was actually trying to talk my self into getting up at 4:45 to actually GO to the gym so that I didn't have to go after working 10 hours and driving one. But this will work out better. I think each session is only 20 mins. I say only, but man those 20 mins kicked my Ass!

I didn't really think I was that out of shape. I have been going to the gym quite a bit but obviously I wasn't challenging my self enough. With the first day of the video I found my weights are too heavy, and their only 5 lbs! But there are these side lunges you do while at the same time your doing shoulder raises! I could only do the first set with the weights and then after that I had to just do the side lunge and the shoulder raises without the weight. I know it's not as effective but I couldn't move my arms!! lol. For that exercize my legs didn't really hurt at all, but my arms sure did.

There is also a squat with weights where you lift the weights above your head. That was pretty difficult too. I can do bisep exercizes all day long but I apparantly have NO shoulder muscles! The rest of the work out wasn't too bad. Of course it's not easy, I was really sweating. Plus on Wednesday I had gone to the gym and was on the eliptical for 47 mins and did some leg machines. And for any one who has ever worked out before you know, the next day isn't so bad, it's the one after that when you really feel the sorness. So I was already sore from Wednesday.

Now, we'll just have to wait and see if I do this tomorrow morning or if I'll do it every other day. The only problem with that is it will take 60 days! Hmm...maybe thats why it's called the 30 Day Shred, maybe we are suppose to do it every day. I'd also still like to go to the gym a couple times a week. I am paying monthly for it anyway and I'm not entirely sure 20 mins is enough for me.

I'll be back tomorrow with more!

Oh, I guess I should mention a few things about the DVD. It is good, and Julinne Michaels really tells you how it is. She mentions a few times that you can't results without REALLY trying and that YES it is hard but come on! Let do it! One annoying thing I've found about the DVD is that you can't skip the begining where she goes on and on and on about the DVD. So my suggestion if you really only have 20 mins is to start it, then get ready, get your water, your shoes, and pull your hair up, by then she should be done talking and you'll be able to get to the DVD menu.

Also I highly suggest you get the lightest weights you can to start (3 lbs?) Even though you may be able to lift more than that, try it and you'll see why.