Am I done yet? I'm not liking this anymore. The tendon on my left knee pops in and out when I do the squats and it's so gross feeling. This same thing happens when I do the leg press at the gym, I don't know why it does this but I hate it.  Is anyone else doing the "girl" push ups? I tried last night to do the other ones and then I realized I'm not putting my hands in the right place or some thing. So today I went back down to my knees and put my arm closer to my body, oh man do those hurt!

I don't have much to say about Day 7, I didn't sweat quite as much :-) And I used the cans for the side lunges and the squats.

I guess thats it. I hope everyone is doing well on this. I still have to remind myself that I am not going to see results after just 7 days, but a girl can dream right?


Last night after work I did day number 6. I don't know what she is talking about when she says "I'm sure if your on day 5, 6 or 7 that your feeling your endurance is a lot better..." WHAT? no, not even close, if any thing it's worse lol. I really think you are supose to give your muscles a day of rest in between workouts, and I know I can, it's not like the video is forcing me to do it every day, but I'd still like to try to do it every day for 30 days. I did think about doing day 9 on level one, taking one day off, then doing day 10 on level one to finish it off and the next day go into level 2. I may or may not, we'll see.

Last night I was actually able to get through ALL of the sets without stopping, no my endurance really isn't better. On the two workouts I've been having problems finishing with the 5 lbs weights, I just used the cans of fruit. Then on the lunge and bicep curl and the chest flys I used my 5 lbs weights and had no problem.

I was cursing her though almost the entire workout lol. Man, those are tough! I also noticed yesterday at work, I had my arm in some weird angle and had an itch
on my upper arm, I actually felt a muscle I've never known before! :-) I guess all this hard work is doing something. I stil haven't lost a pound that I can tell. The good scale is at my FI house and I like to only do it first thing in the morning with no cloths on, well we don't live together so I'll jsut have to wait.

ILast night I added some reverse situps to the begining of the workout, when Jullian is talking and you can't get around it...., and I also added more stretching at the end. I'm also going to start every other day adding on some leg/butt exercise I learned in dance. I love it! I do three different moves, and one of them resembles a dog peeing on a fire hydrant haha but it's great on your butt.

I still wasn't able to get up this morning to do the workout. I was up till 3:30 am and I have to be up at 6 so needless to say I wasn't going to get up earlier to do this workout that I am currently hating. So I'll do it tonight when I get home. It's going to be another late night. My FI and I and some of his friends are going to see the midnight showing of Wolverine. Therefore I doubt I'll be getting up early Friday morning either lol. Guess thats it for day 6, today is day 7!


I could NOT get out of bed this morning! I had done the workout right before bed last night and I think it made it harder for me to get up this morning and do it again. I really feel like I should be spreading this out a little more. I'd like to do it each morning so I have about 24 hours in between for my muscles to heal. But now in order to do that and not miss a day I'll have to do my workout early tomorrow morning before work. I just finished the workout so I'm hoping I can just get up and do it in 8 hours lol.

So for the workout. I worked 10 hours today, drove an hour to my gym, and had the bright idea to get on the tredmill for 39 mins. In my defense my FI asked if we could meet at the gym tonight. I'm not going to see him for a few days so I couldn't say no. So he said since I was going to do the Shred tonight that I should just do cardio at the gym. I did 39 mins at 3.5 mph and an elevation of 6.5. I actually went over 2 miles and burned about 275 calories. Thats all great except when I got
home to do my workout I was SO tired. My muscles had already started to cool down and relax so they felt even more tired. My legs mostly. Even the jumping jacks hurt my thighs.

I'm still not able to do ALL of the side lunges with the 5 lb weights. I know I know, your probably thinking "Why don't you just go buy lighter weights?" Well, frankly I don't have time. Or, to be honest, extra money. I did almost all of the first set of side lunges with the weights and then I switched to my peaches lol. Yes, they are still in my room. I really notice I don't do well on the lunge itself when I'm trying to do the shoulder raise. So I figured the cans of peaches would be better so that I could at least finish the exercise and do it right.

I can just about do all of the squats with arm raises. It's still pretty hard at the end but I'm really trying hard to push through it. At the end of the workout after the last set of abs I did my own leg raises, and then did the stretches plus some of my own. I think there should be just a little more stretching involved. The leg raises I do REALLY work my butt! I love those.

 *me2rean* I'm sorry but I don't see a way to respond to comments on here so I thought I'd just do it in this post. It was a BIG relief to me that my FI had a difficult time with this. I'm sure your dad thinks it's pretty simple because it's only 20 mins. But until you try it you don't quite get it. What surprised my FI is that it's really 20 mins without stopping at all. I told him before hand there were no breaks but he was shocked at how true that is. And it's not like we can't all get on a tredmill or eliptical for 20 straight mins, but here your lifting weights and doing jumping-jacks and it's really non stop. lol, tell your dad to do it once through and see if he has the same feelings about i



Ok, so on to todays, or rather tonights, workout. This was a tough one. I got home from FI house at 8:45 pm and knew if I didn't do the workout right away I would miss out on 4 days in a row. But I made it!

So tonights was pretty difficult! I noticed my breathing was VERY heavy. I worked really hard on inhaling and exhaling at the appropriate times. Proper breathing REALLY helped me get through this tonight. I was able to use the weights most of the time. This is an imporvment for me. I still wasn't able to do ALL of the side lunges and shoulder raises with the weights. At one point during the second set of side lunges I had to put one weight down and just hold one weight with two hands. I had to do this because I not only had a terrible time trying to raise my arms anymore, but I realized that I wasn't doing the side lunges properly anymore. Hopefully soon I'll be able to do the whole set with the weights, and without stopping.

I'm still not liking the Ab exercises. They just aren't doing it for me right now. I'm still thinking about switching in my own exercise. Other than the stomach routine this whole workout about killed me tonight. I'm hopping I'll see results soon too. I'm really impatient when it comes to that. But I'm working on  it.

Well I'm exhausted now and really need to get to sleep. I hope everyone is sticking with this with me. It's hard work!


I didn't have time yesterday to blog about Day 3. I was lucky enough to have even done the 20 min workout. FI and I didn't wake up until noon! It was so weird. We don't live together and I am off on Mondays (well until next week ugh...) so I normally go stay at his place (we both still live with our parents) In our defense we were up until 3:45 that morning. Any way, at arounf 4:30 pm I went back to my house, got the DVD, my weights and my workout cloths. I asked my FI to do the video with me and he did!

I think those of you that are doing this will get a lot of motovation after reading what I'm about to write. It kicked his ASS! It was so funny. He is in pretty good shape. He has good muscle strength and endurance and this was really hard for him! So when your feeling like you are not doing a good job you really are! Keep up the good work. Just think of how great we'll all look and feel on our wedding days!

Day three was still difficult for me. I didn't drink enough water through out the day. I had just had a big coffee! That was a really bad idea. I know how important it is to drink water but we did the workout kind of spare of the moment and didn't plan well enough for it. So of course I had that horrible pain in my side but I worked through it. I still haven't bought the lighter weights and I was only able to use the 5 lb weights part of the time. One thing I did notice is my back leg didn't shake when doing the bicep curl and lunge. I'm not sure what that means yet.

There are a few important things I'm nor sure a lot of women know. My FI lifts a lot of weights, reads all the body buliding and toning mags and websites and has done a lot of research on weight lifting. Now, I know most if not all of you don't want big riped muscles, and trust me neither do I. But what a lot of women don't realize is that it is VERY difficult for a female to get the same muscle definition as a man. With that in mind, don't be affraid of follwing similar rules that body buliders do, don't worry you won't bulk up.       

~ After your workout you really need protein. Especially if you are doing any weight lifiting. This helps to repair the muscle you have just damaged. This is really important. Your going to burn more fat this way too. I bought some low fat cottage cheese to eat at home right after my work out. There are 14 grams of protein and its pretty low in cal. I also bought chicken to eat after the gym. Some people get the Whey Protein powder. This is what my FI does and I did for a long time. That is until I realized that the Whey was causing horrible stomach aches. It wasn't making me sick, no throwing up or running to the bathroom. Just a really really bad ache in the pit of my stomach. I'm not sure if I'm allergic to it. I'm allergic to many things and I get a definant reaction. But the only reaction I get with the Whey is that pain. So any way I've found other ways to get the protein I need. Also remember to always drink a lot of water. Before and after your workout. This and the protein will help reduce muscle soreness. I've also been told that Vitamin C is good thing to take to prevent muscle soreness.

 Please know that the info above is just from personal experiance, and research. Please read around and find more detailed information that will help you get the most out of this workout.


Ok, today was defiantly difficult. Not only was I up drinking with my Fiancé until 3:45 am....but when we did wake up at about 8 I was so sore I could barely move!

I think part of my being sore was due to the gym Wednesday night, but I know that most of the soreness is from Day 1 of the Shred. But it's a good sore, I don't feel like I hurt my self, I feel like I got in a REALLY good workout yesterday.

So today I got my self to do it again even though I am in a little bit of pain lol. But I knew if I didn't I'd be mad at my self tomorrow. And it actually wasn't too bad and I realize I feel less sore now after the work out. Still sore but not as bad. I haven't been able to get to the store yet to buy 3 lb weights so I went to the kitchen! I feel like my grandmother lol, but instead of cans of soup I used cans of sliced peaches. It was not a bad idea either because during the arm workouts I know I couldn't have done it with the 5 lb weights. The cans of fruit were hard enough. During the work out I realized I was using No Sugar Added peaches which actually made me laugh.

Yesterday during the forward lunge with bicep curls my back leg would start shaking so bad I almost couldn't stand up! And that was after doing only 3 to 4! Today I got through almost all of the lunges but towards the last few my back leg was shaking again. But I got through them all and I finished the 20 mins and I feel so good about myself. Really that’s what I need to remember. This is something I want to do, and this makes me feel good about myself and I know that I am becoming healthier. And of course I want to look fabulous on my wedding day! What bride to be doesn't? :-)


As a follow up to my question about weather this should be done every day, I've been told yes. Erin on The Knot who is also doing this said that it is to be done every day. (Thanks Erin!) Of course everyone knows it may not be everyday. 30 days is a big commitment. I will have to try to remind myself of that. I'm sure that at some point in the next 30 days something may stop me but I also have to remember this is only 20 mins out of my day or night. That’s really not bad at all. I'll spend that much time watching Bulging Brides lol. Something I don't want to be.

I can't wait to see how I feel tomorrow and how my work out will go. Tonight is a friend’s birthday which means more beer....I know I have to cut this out to really loose weight, but I think I'm doing pretty well.  I really LOVE chocolate and sugar and I've been doing SO well with not eating sweets, and on top of that I'm eating really healthy foods. So a few nights of alcohol won't ruin every thing. :-)

I don't have any other pointers right now. I am wondering if the second level will be better with the stomach exercises. For me that session of the work out on level one isn't doing much. I can do many sit ups and fly kicks, and all the stomach exercises you can think up but so far the video isn't hard enough in that section. I'm even thinking about doing a different exercise during that time, one that I feel is difficult. So if anyone is on level 2 let me know how those exercises are. I have to stop now, the word exercise sounds funny to me now. lol


Ok, today was the first day of the 30 Day Shred. I'll log on each day to leave notes on how the day of exercise has gone. Now, I'm not sure if this is something you are supposed to do 30 days in a row. I kinda want to, I feel like I need to really kick my self into gear and not give my self a day off. However, I do know that you are suppose to give your mucsles a day off. We'll see...

So for day one, I got up before I had to leave for work. Which meant I had to be up no later than 6am. This isn't too bad. Thats normally when I get up anyway, and I was actually trying to talk my self into getting up at 4:45 to actually GO to the gym so that I didn't have to go after working 10 hours and driving one. But this will work out better. I think each session is only 20 mins. I say only, but man those 20 mins kicked my Ass!

I didn't really think I was that out of shape. I have been going to the gym quite a bit but obviously I wasn't challenging my self enough. With the first day of the video I found my weights are too heavy, and their only 5 lbs! But there are these side lunges you do while at the same time your doing shoulder raises! I could only do the first set with the weights and then after that I had to just do the side lunge and the shoulder raises without the weight. I know it's not as effective but I couldn't move my arms!! lol. For that exercize my legs didn't really hurt at all, but my arms sure did.

There is also a squat with weights where you lift the weights above your head. That was pretty difficult too. I can do bisep exercizes all day long but I apparantly have NO shoulder muscles! The rest of the work out wasn't too bad. Of course it's not easy, I was really sweating. Plus on Wednesday I had gone to the gym and was on the eliptical for 47 mins and did some leg machines. And for any one who has ever worked out before you know, the next day isn't so bad, it's the one after that when you really feel the sorness. So I was already sore from Wednesday.

Now, we'll just have to wait and see if I do this tomorrow morning or if I'll do it every other day. The only problem with that is it will take 60 days! Hmm...maybe thats why it's called the 30 Day Shred, maybe we are suppose to do it every day. I'd also still like to go to the gym a couple times a week. I am paying monthly for it anyway and I'm not entirely sure 20 mins is enough for me.

I'll be back tomorrow with more!

Oh, I guess I should mention a few things about the DVD. It is good, and Julinne Michaels really tells you how it is. She mentions a few times that you can't results without REALLY trying and that YES it is hard but come on! Let do it! One annoying thing I've found about the DVD is that you can't skip the begining where she goes on and on and on about the DVD. So my suggestion if you really only have 20 mins is to start it, then get ready, get your water, your shoes, and pull your hair up, by then she should be done talking and you'll be able to get to the DVD menu.

Also I highly suggest you get the lightest weights you can to start (3 lbs?) Even though you may be able to lift more than that, try it and you'll see why.


Oh wow, these invites have been such a hassle. I decided to DIY and really it ended up costing more than if I had just paid for them. Granted I wouldn't have homemade invites that I designed. However, if I were to go back, I don't think I would have done these. I think it's because we didn't use the correct programs. I used Word a lot and that wasn't the smartest thing. Also had an issue with the paper cutter/scorer. My advice if your going this a good paper cutter/scorer. I bought a Fiskas, and it would have been much easier if I had bought the bigger one. I had a hard time scoring things straight. A lot of my fold were off, so when I went to tape the pocket down it went off the side a little. I know this doesn't seem like a big issue but at the time it was. I would also recommend using Publisher. We found this handy little program on his dad computer after EVERY thing was done except the maps. We did the maps on there and it was soo easy. I would also suggest going to an Offica Max that has the Lazer Paper Cutter. That thing is beautiful! I'm not kidding. It is .75 a cut but soooo worth it. I do also advise that you have all of your paper lined up perfectly before you take it in to get it cut. We didn't realize the printer messed up at some point, and all of the print outs weren't in the same place on every page. So when we took them in to get cut half of the tops got cut off. Our bad.

Well here they are!


Ok this title sounds like it could be a little dirty. Not my intentions :-) It is 12:45 in the morning. And I'm up.

Yesterday I went with my mom and sister to look for my wedding day shoes, a cut out stamp for the invites and look into buying materials to make the BM necklaces. Well it was WAY too cold and windy to be looking for shoes so we went to Michaels and Hobby Lobby. I bought an anchor cut out from Martha Stweart. I became far too overwhelmed with the idea of making the BM necklaces. I had no idea I'd have to buy some crimping tool and crimping things, and then I wanted to do jewles and perals but they wouldn't all fit on the same chain without much difficulty. So I scrapped the whole idea. I do realize now that there is a new Michales that has a really great bead/pearl section with an employee that mans it. She will help with ANY thing. But I remembered that a little too late. Instead we went to Hobby Lobby and I determined that making them earrings would much simpler. (I say this now because I haven't started making them yet).

My mom and sister also pointed out that we could make the flower girl baskets ourselves! I'm a horrible perfectionist so the thought that I'm doing this kinda scares me. But I might as well give it a try. We found some wicker baskets and white spray paint. Also bought some fake flowers to decorate it. I haven't decided if I want to put a bow on the handles or not. I'm going to wait until I make them and see if it needs one. I'll post pictures when I get them done.

We also bought the piller candles for the center pieces. These are also from Hobby Lobby. They are a pack of 2 for only $4.99. I needed 14 so it wasn't too expenive. Actually my mom bought them, which was a huge reliefe. I have to send in the deposite for the DJ and officiant tomorrow and those are both coming straight out of my check. I am happy though that we finally picked a DJ. I'm so tired of e-mail vendors.

We did get our engagement pictures back. They are amazing! I can't believe how great they turned out. I mean, we knew we had good photographers, but we had no idea how we would turn out lol. Come to find out we don't have good photographers we have fantastic photogs, and we looked really good as well :-) I'm a little dissapointed because I sent a mass e-mail out to friends and family with the website to go check them out. I only got 3 replys. My FMIL, one GM and my mom and sister of course. I just remembered my aunt left me a message on face book. I hate face book. As if I don't have enough to do with planning a wedding, now I have to try and keep up with the lives of 100's of other people. Ugh.

I think that's it for tonight. Theres more, but I'll save it for tomorrow if I get a chance.

Good night.