Well, I got married two weeks ago tomorrow. I cannot believe it has already been that long. The entire time I planned this wedding it seemed as if time was so slow. And now, my wedding is over and I'm already back from my honeymoon and back at work. It's incredible how quickly time flies by. I'll warn you now this will be a long post. I'm going to do my best to think back and really remember all that I wanted to write down in words.

The night before the wedding was the rehearsal. Or rather the day before. I realized that morning ALL of the things I didn't get done! Let me tell you, the morning before the wedding is not the time to make this realization. The main problem was I had all of these boxes in my parent’s loft, and they were all for the wedding and I never did anything with them. What should I have done with these boxes you might ask??? LABEL them! Our venue was allowing us to bring up all of our centerpieces and cake cutter, toasting flutes, you name it we were suppose to have it in a box and labeled with one of their inventory sheets. I still can't believe that I didn't do that MONTHS ago. I was so good with all of the check lists and the planning and all and somehow missed this huge step. The bad part is I didn't get up until about 9:30 and we had a nail appointment at noon and then the Rehearsal was at 3 and we weren't coming back between the two. So I had to run around with my head cut off packing about 25 boxes of stuff. Oy vay! I even had some candles I had forgotten about so I had my mom and sister peeling off all of the plastic and tops from all of these candles that I wanted on the guest book table, and cake table...Some how my HU was able to get to my house and pack up all of this stuff plus all of the stuff he already had! Anyway!
  At 12:00 my mom, BP and I went into Boulder to get our nails done. It really was relaxing. That is until right in the middle of my pedicure my aunt calls to ask if ALL of my OOT guests are invited to the RD....um no. Tactfully I explain this cannot work, (long story, but most of the guests were from OOT, the other half were already in the BP lol, I didn't want a wedding the night before the wedding). Well...this causes a little drama, I call my step dad, he takes care if it all in less than 10 mins. Then it was back to relaxing. I wasn't too nervous really, a little anxious, and that was more for the rehearsal. I didn't really know what to expect and a lot of people were going to be there asking for my opinions, and I hate making decisions. However, by the time we got up there every thing was fine. Except that my brother was driving my FI,...opps HU, up there and they were late, and the lady running everything went on without them...um HELLO?! We kinda need the groom and best man and my brother (GM). So we proceed and there is a stairway I came down for the wedding, it's outside and on the side of the manor. Well, I'm standing up there with all my BM, my dad and my "train barerer". Eventually all of the BM make their way down the stairs and meet up with their GM to walk them down the aisle. 2 mins go by, 5, 8.....my little cousin says "do you think they forgot about us" I tell her "No...I'm sure they didn't forget the bride....." 10 mins, 15.....17..........now my dad and I are agreeing with the 8 year old "WTF is going on lol" after about 18 mins here comes our "coordinator" at the bottom of the stairs... "Oops....I almost forgot about you!"  ALMOST????? By the time we walked down the stairs and I was at the front aisle EVERY thing had already been decided! Well....that almost went without my knowledge until I found out they had made the decision that my two RB weren't really going to carry the rings...NO! I had discussed already with Hubby that they were carrying the real thing. So AFTER the rehearsal I had to correct a few things. lol, looking back it's slightly annoying; I truly missed my whole rehearsal. But you know what....I still made it down the aisle :-)

Then was the RD, I won't bore you with a ton of details. It was great. My BM loved all of the gifts I put together for them, and the earrings I made. My cousins loved all of the stuff I bought for them, (I always go way overboard). And the GM liked what hubby got for them. I also bought bottles of wine and starfish bottle stoppers purchased from TK) for the parents of the little kids in the wedding. My mom bought HU and me matching ID bracelets with my new name and his had his name and on the underside it had our wedding date. It was so sweet :-)

After that HU and I were SOOO busy, and ended the night practicing our first dance. Did I ever mention this?? I think I forgot! Well, here goes...HU HATES to dance. I think he doesn't like to be the center of attention when he is unsure of himself (which he completely denies because he loves all eyes on him....right...). So my matron of honor offers to teach us a fox trot that would go with our song which was "The Way You Look Tonight" sung by Rod Stewart. And her husband was going to help too. So to my utter shock he agrees! We spent hours in her garage the weekend before (I think) the wedding. But we only had time that one day with her so it really was a crash course for HU. So we practiced a lot that night and then the night before the wedding. He left at 11:58pm haha because we didn't want to see each other the night before the wedding. I think I went to bed at 12:45am

Morning of the wedding. What time did I get up? I can't even remember now, 9 maybe 8:30 anyway. My dress was hanging in the middle of my room from a hook in the ceiling we installed to keep my dress "wrinkle free" *word of advice for those of you not married yet...NOTHING you do will stop that dress from getting wrinkled....nothing*, anyway. I woke up to my dress hanging there, and I just kept thinking "this is my wedding day, this is it. This is what I've been planning for 14 months, and waiting for for almost 9 years with this man. Today is the day" I really couldn't get my head around it. After counting down from 14 months, and it was always this day in the future...and all of a sudden without my knowing it here it was! The rest of the morning I was kind of in a daze...I got up, took a shower and shaved. (Oh...forgot to mention the brazillion on Tuesday before the wedding...whew!). I started getting together some more things we might need that day, a lot of it my sister helped run all over the house the night before to get. Needle and thread...and yes I did need it. Scissors...yep needed those too. And all the little things you can think of. Not a bad idea!! Then her and my mom needed to go to the store for some things and asked if I wanted to tag a long. Sure I thought, I'm organized, I have nothing else to do before out 12:00 vs. 12:30 hair appointments. So with that crazy thought in my head we headed off to the store. We stopped at Hiedes (sp?) you know the sandwich place, and I split a Hells kitchen with my mom, that is the only sup shop I like. And then headed over to target and Michaels. Before we know it were late! We get back to the house at 11:15-11:30 and haven’t packed ANYTHING lol, oops. So we start making this mad dash around the house grabbing the bags and bags and bags of things we've packed, dresses, shoes, gifts, purses, magazines. So much stuff. As soon as we got home I ran to my room to get my veil, which I needed to put in the steaming shower bathroom I asked my step dad to create for me on our way home. I go in the bathroom and don't notice anything wrong. The water had already been on about 10 mins before we got home and it all seemed fine. Well....25 mins later when we're getting ready to leave and I remember my veil is in the bathroom, I run in there to a lake! Apparently he didn't make sure the curtains were in the shower and just enough was left out to completely SOAK the bathroom. I was laughing so hard I almost peed. (From the time my mom married him my brother and I had been lectured about getting the floor wet after a shower and always making sure the curtain was in) Well...that made running late a little easier to deal with.

So! We make it to the hair salon...late, and my BM ate already there along with my photographers. To my surprise the woman who did my hair isn't there...why? I have no idea and no one seemed to know or want to tell me I don't know which. This was ok though, because I didn't really like what I had her do during the trial and I had accidentally left the picture of how I wanted it at home. I did have a bridal hair magazine with us one the way there and has picked out a slightly different updo anyway. And the woman who did it was wonderful!!! She did such a great job, I loved my hair. It was really a lot of fun with the photographers taking pictures of us all and the stylists were so shocked that they were there they didn't know what to do lol. I felt like a celebrity. It was fun. My matron of honor brought champagne and we broke that out and the toasted to me getting married (duh) and we really had a good time. After that we they did my make up. More pictures. I looked at my self after getting the veil and make up and hair done and for the first time that day really felt like a Bride! This might sounds conceded but I'm sure those of you that have gotten married already know what I mean...I looked beautiful! I was a bride! my hair was all done up and I had this pretty veil in my hair and my make up wasn't like anything I could ever do on my own, not to mention I was glowing by that point. That was a really good feeling.

Told you this was going to be long....

Then it was up to Lyons. We got done pretty early with the hair and I was feeling a little hungry. I decided I wanted pizza more than anything in the world at that very second lol....we drive up there and order pizza at this cute little place and I get about 1/4 through .... Hmm...I'm getting married in a couple hours....I look up and my 4 BM and my mother are al staring at me. lol apparently I had stopped eating was just staring at the pizza. I wasn't sick but suddenly TONS of butterflies were in my tummy. We were sitting in this corner booth so that my back was to the window in case I saw my hubby drive by....the ONE time I look over my shoulder I think "hmmm that looked a lot like my brother's new Benz...." I ask my mom "was that Ryan’s car?"  ".......maybe....." lol all I saw was the car and the back of someone’s head in the back seat. Come to find out that was my HU...and he knew we were at the pizza place and turned his heard away just incase we were walking out or something lol so yeah saw him, but he didn't see me.

We stopped at a liquor store for a few little shots and whiskey to put in one BM's flask I bought her. Then it was time...to drive up the steep hill that was going to take me to my wedding. I was so quiet most of the day. And if you know me, you know that’s uncharacteristic...just take a look at this blog haha. I wasn't even thinking about anything. I felt a little strange because I hadn't talked to HU at all since the night before, and we hadn't said good night over the phone like we always do and that just threw me off, I wasn't able to call him and say good morning like I always do. It made me feel slightly apprehensive, but also a little more excited! The more I thought about it the more I couldn't wait to see him when I came down the aisle.

So now we're up at LCM and we're unloading all of these bags and dresses (which, they told us we wouldn't have to do and that someone would be there to help us...no one ever helped...) and I get up to the room. Typing this, and thinking back to it I really wish I could do it again. Well, everyone starts getting ready. There were so many people in the bridal suit, coming in and out and we were trying to get a few wrinkles out and the water was spilling on my dress and
people kept opening the door my dress was hanging on lol...it was a mad house and I was as calm as could be! It was great lol. I couldn't wait to get in my dress!!! I waited and waited and finally was like "will some one please help me into this thing???" Everyone was so scattered they all looked at me and started laughing....

We had to be careful putting it one since my hair was done and it had to go over my head. We re going to have someone stand on a chair because everyone in my family is so short, when my mom asked who the tallest person around was...My aunt pipes up "well Paul! My husband" they all looked at me... "Bring him on in!!" lol so my aunt goes running off to get him. In the meantime for some reason everyone wants a picture of me....in my bustier and skirt! lol Thank god he got there fast. It was so funny having my uncle put my wedding dress on me. He is realllllllly tall and it is something I will never forget :-) it was very sweet.

So then it was on to the waiting game. I couldn't believe how long it felt like we were waiting. Stacy, one of the photogs was in the room with us the whole time, snapping away, and then finally Ryan, her husband came in and took few shots in the room. The only bad news he had was that the guys took too long with their pics and we weren't able to go out on the grounds to get the girl pics. I wasn't really bummed about that until after the wedding, which I guess is a pretty good thing when you think about it. At the time I was like Whatever! Let’s just get this show on the road! lol. We did get some amazing pictures in that room though! Then, oh I almost forgot! I was looking out the window in the bridal suit that looks out over where the guest book was and where guests arrive (I was wondering at that point where my candles were that should have been on the table but...) and who do you think I see?!?! The back of my HU's head again!!! COME ON!!! lol. I didn't tell anyone...

ok...then finally some one comes in and tells us it's time...whew. Well, they take all of the girls out!  And leave me in there alone with my real father and my 8 year old cousin that is carrying my train. I wanted to go with everyone else. I don't like waiting around when I'm nervous, and I really didn't want to wait around with my father who I rarely see and had been drinking already too much by that time and was getting just way too gushy. But I'm thinking at least I have my cousin...NOPE "coordinator" comes in and says "Lexy why don't we give Lena and her dad some time alone!"  "NOOO!!!!!" I almost screamed...but didn't. Then the waiting seemed to take even longer, and I start worrying, did she forget about me again? lol

After what seems like eternity Stacy comes and says we can come out, well no one told her which way I was suppose to come out of the room to get to the office to wait in to wait to walk down the stairs.....so we go the wrong way of course...lol and I see the guys lined up down stairs...crap...then I walk outside, and see half my guests and that half are all just happening to be looking up at where I am....shoot. So I come in the back way lol

Half of the girls are still there...they should have left already, I found out later LCM walky talky things weren't working on all ends and the lady directing the guys was telling my "coordinator" to send the girls...she hears nothing. HU told me later that it was really weird and he even started doing a little dance to Kokomo which is what they were suppose to be coming into....it took them so long. Finally things started rolling and I'm able to come back out the office to the outside and I'm waiting at the top of the stairs....it's off to the side so that how come I can see some guests but not all and not DH...and then I hear my music and I'm thinking "That’s my cue, we have to go!" lol I started to walk and the lady is telling me Hold on! she is fixing my veil and my dress and making sure my cousin is situated and she is telling me to hold my flowers lower...I know she was doing these things, but I was just listening to that song that I've wanted to walk down the aisle to since I was 5 years old. I was so happy when we finally started walking down those stairs. My dad helped me down a few. Some were too narrow to walk down side by side so he'd go in front and hold my hand. (they were flagstaff stairs) and then I saw DH.....oh, the feelings welled up so much, I don't think I had ever been happier than I was at that moment. He was just smiling at me with such a big smile; thinking about it now makes me teary. God what a beautiful site. And then there were all my guests, beaming back up at me, and I remember looking around at everyone, and acknowledging that they were all there to see me and the love of my life make the biggest commitment of all to each other. Then I looked back at HU. My dad and I got to the aisle and stopped for a second. (I had totally forgotten that my cousin was holding my train). I remember my dad was trying to like run down the aisle and I was trying to hold him back haha. I just kept looking at HU, and then I looked over at my parents and his. Oh, it was so perfect. From the moment I saw HU till my dad handed me over to him I was walking on a cloud. The officiant asked “Who supports this woman in her marriage to this man" and my three parents said we do. Then it was me and HU from that point on. He whispered "OH, you look so beautiful" :-) :-) :-) could a girl be any happier? No. :-) Then the ceremony started. And I held it together pretty well. I am very emotional in I didn't really cry at all. My eyes got wet, but I don't ice to cry in front of people and I was just so happy, and I the emotions were so crazy at that moment that I didn't know whether to laugh or cry or what to do. It was so great. It was the best day of my life. We had some laughs, which were good, we did a hand ceremony. We did a sand ceremony, and we signed the certificate during the ceremony as well. It was all so romantic.....AND!!!! After we repeated the vows from the officiant Dustin and I had written each other something to read after the vows. I went first. He loved it. Then it was his turn...he wrote me a poem! I really about lost it then. He has never written me a poem and the fact that he was going to read it in front of 100 people made my heart ache it was so sweet. And it was better than any thing I've ever heard my whole life.

I made sure a couple times to look around during the ceremony. To be honest I don't remember much of what the Rev said....I was in awe. I remembered I wanted to look at the view. We picked LC because it was so beautiful and the views were breathtaking, so I looked out over Steamboat Mountain and tried to take it all in. I looked out at my guests and made eyes contact with a lot of them. Looked at our parents, my BM my maid and matron of honor crying :-) And then there it was we signing the certificate, kissed a perfect first kiss, which included a dip and then were presented as a married couple! We walked back down the aisle to Iz's What a Wonderful World and that almost made me cry too. Then it was right into the reception area while everyone was getting ready outside for a group toast. HU and I kissed, again, oh that felt good. And were greeted with two glasses of white wine. I couldn’t believe it. We were married. haha and after that everything went by so fast! And here we are 13 days later lol

So we went back out side for the group picture and after that it was picture after picture. MY photog said we were running behind and we had to practically run up the side of this rocky mountain/hill to get some VERY beautiful shots! And I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad my brother and sister insisted on getting a picture with me and Dustin while up there. I'm the type of person that hates to put people out, or make them upset, and I really didn’t want to ask the Photog to take another picture since he was saying we were so behind, but luckily by brother and sister talked to quick sense into me and we asked for another shot with just us. Looking back I even feel guilty, for not automatically saying "oh of course!" but at least it got done. And I love them for thinking of it. I can't wait to see the pictures of us!

Well, he hightailed it back down the hill and then it was straight to the bridal
suit to bustle my dress....one problem, the BM that went with me to learn how to bustle was drunk ...  in the year and a half I've known her she’s never been drunk lol. She couldn't figure the damn thing out!!!! lol I think it was my sister or mom that came by and saw the issue and helped...Then it was time to be introduced. We came into "The Power of Love" (we both watching back to the future so many times as kids we ruined more than one tape!, see it was meant to be). My wedding was so much fun. I had a great time. Everyone was happy. We had 4 fantastic speeches from my matron of honor; my maid of honor (my little sister) who is not quit 16 gave the best speech I have EVER heard. My brother's was incredible and the best mans was really great too. Then my step dad gave a speech which was very sweet....did I mention, during the toasts I cried like a baby! lol.

We cut the cake, which was really the only time I got to "see" the cake. I more looked at it than saw it. But that was very beautiful as well. Our cake baker did an incredible job!

Then it was right into the first dance which we NAILED!!!!!!! We were so happy with that dance, and I was SOO very proud of my husband. Oh, it was also wonderful. I have to say, after the wedding I wasn’t sad. I've not had any "Post wedding blues"...until now...describing it all and thinking back to all of it makes me wish we could do it all over again :-(

We danced a lot. I talked to a lot of people. Unfortunately we never went table to table. We really ran out of time. I feel bad about that right now....I should have skipped a dance or something, :-( Well, the other sad thing is that DH never got to give his toast. That’s really one MAJOR thing I regret about the wedding and here’s why.

DH doesn't really like doing things just because everyone else does them. He hates clichés. I told him he really should say some thing and after much talk and thinking he decided to. He was also going to say something at the RD but like the wedding everything happened so quickly he didn't get to. So he prepares these wonderful toasts, and is very sad that he didn't get to do it at the RD. BUT he says, the wedding will be a better one anyway, he said he had really been working on it and was really looking forward to giving it...:-( and he never got a chance to. I feel bad for him still. Later that night in the hotel room he pulled out this paper from his pocket...it was his notes for his speech. And he told it to me :-) I cried then too. He thanked me for doing so much, and said he had no idea how much my hard work was going to pay off until he walked in that room and there was so much more he had to say. I do feel bad for that.

Anyway, back to fun wedding stuff. So the night went on, and our last dance was to All For Love by Rod Stewart, Sting and Bryan Adams. Everyone joined a circle around us on their own (because our DJ was pretty much slacking) and they sang the song to us while we danced :-) oh what a wonderful day and night. Oh, it's still overwhelming when I think back over it.

After that we had a send off with bubbles, then down the stairs into by brother’s new car which was decorated and had balloons all over inside. It was heaven

Well...now that your asleep from reading a book...lol I'll save the story of my dress getting snagged on one of the flower girl's shoes, my 15 year old sister getting wasted for the first time that night, my flower lady TEXTING me at 9:30 the night BEFORE the wedding saying she wasn't going to deliver the flowers because she wasn't invited, me getting kicked out of the bar in my WEDDING dress....yeah we'll save that for another post :-)

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